Twelve years ago, Robert, the founder of Bearded Brewery & Supplies, embarked on a humble journey into the world of homebrewing as a personal hobby. Over the years, he found immense joy in this craft and decided to share his passion with friends. What began as a solitary pursuit soon transformed into a communal pastime, as most of his friends eagerly embraced homebrewing as their own hobby. Robert's enthusiasm for brewing went beyond crafting beer; he discovered a deep love for teaching and empowering others to explore the art of brewing.
Robert's teaching philosophy is rooted in providing freedom for individuals to self-discover and learn from their brewing experiences, both the successes and the inevitable mistakes. He firmly believes that the process of homebrewing is a journey of continuous learning and growth. Drawing from his years of experience, he began developing his unique recipes, honing them based on invaluable feedback from his friends and fellow enthusiasts.
Today, Bearded Brewery & Supplies proudly offers a diverse range of beer styles, all stemming from Robert's passion and dedication to the craft. However, Robert and his team at Bearded Brewery recognized an unmet need in South Florida — a lack of accessible homebrew classes. To bridge this gap, they've taken the initiative to offer word-of-mouth classes, where aspiring brewers can benefit from Robert's expertise and hands-on guidance.
We are not just about brewing beer; it's about fostering a community of passionate homebrewers, sharing knowledge, and ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to craft exceptional beer. Robert's journey from hobbyist to educator has shaped the foundation of the business, and his commitment to nurturing the next generation of brewers is at the heart of their mission.
Bearded Brewery & Supplies is your premier destination for all things homebrewing in Boynton Beach, proudly serving Palm Beach and Broward counties. With over a decade of personal passion and expertise in brewing, we understand the importance of quality ingredients, which is why we offer the finest local, fresh ...
We believe that crafting remarkable beer starts with exceptional products. That's why we've made it our mission to provide homebrewers like you with access to the finest local, fresh ingredients that elevate your brewing experience to new heights.
Our commitment to quality begins with sourcing. We've cultivated ...
At Bearded Brewery & Supplies, we're not just a destination for high-quality brewing supplies and equipment; we're also your trusted partner on your journey to brewing mastery. Our commitment to nurturing brewing expertise goes beyond supplying ingredients; it's about empowering you with knowledge, skills, and a ...
Reach out to Bearded Brewery & Supplies with any questions, requests, or inquiries. We're here to provide you with top-notch brewing supplies, comprehensive classes, and an engaging brewing community. Let's connect and craft exceptional beer together.